Hello there,

I love to take pictures and solve visual problems. I have been drawing and making art all my life. I am a mother of two awesome girls and raising them has been my joy for the past 20 years. I have mostly worked from home doing freelance and collaborate work. My partner for many years was Amy Fox and we started a small independent book press called Dancing Rhinoceros Press and had fantastic 5 years making books. One of our favorite books was a book about gardening, Our Generous Garden, about a children’s garden, written by Anne Nagro. She had an amazing opportunity to work with a group of second graders building and caring for a school garden. Anne wrote about this garden and about how the kids learned love to eat vegetables through gardening. Then she wrote a sequel, Our Super Garden about eating the rainbow and the awesome effects gardening has on children and their eating habits. I was able to design and illustrate those books. Both of the gardening books got Amy and I thinking about children, gardening, and the need for them to have access to healthy food in urban areas. Coincidently at the same time Michelle Obama was having the same idea! Amy and I then launched Yellow Tractor Program a program a program that created gardens for children. The idea was if children grew healthy food, they would eat it. 

Because my daughters were into theater and dance, I started taking pictures of their shows. That got me into taking pictures again, and I have been loving learning about digital photography and the DSLR workflow. I now have a great excuse for learning more Photoshop. 

I am also one of the founding board members of a program called Teen Angel Project. The Teen Angels are a group of very talented, dedicated kids who spend their Saturdays rehearsing so that they can sing and dance for nursing homes and sick kids. I am on the board of directors and I do all of the graphic design and some of the photography.

Another project I have recently worked on is 45: a Rock-n-Roll Documentary. I was the producer, did all the graphic design, logos, brochures, ads, whatever is needed, along with taking all of the production stills while the filmmaker Ed Santiago is capturing footage of the 45th year of Sherwood High School’s Rock-n-Roll Revival.

I love dogs. 






AKA Chicken